Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I attended this conference earlier this year. It was the Resurgence: Our Fathers, Our Future conference in Orlando Fl. At this conference I was challenged by a lot fo things and was exposed to Tullian Tchividjian for the first time. I also had the privilege to hear R.C. Sproul preach, one of my heros of faith.

So I thought that I would attached two lectures by Mark Driscoll that I thought were very valuable. I don't agree with everything he states here, but I definitely think that there is a lot of value in much of what he says.

Part 1

Part 2

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rick Warren and John Piper Interview

So several years ago a very nice woman in our church gave me a copy of A Purpose Driven Life and encouraged me to read it. She had said that it was life changing. At the time I was really starting to be attracted to "the deeper things" of faith. I was also reading a lot of stuff from the theologians of the time that looked down on Rick Warren and the "mega church" movement. So I graciously accepted the book and then let it sit on my shelf never really cracking the cover. Perhaps it was arrogance that I was beyond anything that a mega church pastor could tell me in his book. Last week I came across a tweet that had a link to an interview between Rick Warren and John Piper. I was intrigued. I had heard of the controversy over Piper inviting Warren to speak at the Desiring God conference and I have HUGE respect for Piper, so I thought I would watch. I have to say that my opinion of Rick Warren was ill informed. In this interview he displays a deepness that I hadn't thought he had. Piper did a great job in the conversation and I think the 1 1/2 hours you would devote to watching (or listening) to this will be well worth it. I may now have to go back and take that book off my shelf and read it.

Watch the Video here, or listen to the audio here.