Two men were arrested for cruelty to animals near Laurel when thirty-five others gathered at their cockfight. In addition, thirteen fighting cocks were confiscated by authorities.
Some may find it interesting that Chicken Farming is in the top five industries in the state of Delaware. It is highly concentrated in Sussex county and home of many plants ryn by companies such as Perdue and Mountaire Farms. I mention this because it doesn't surprise me to find such a barbaric activity such as cockfighting here. What I find more interesting is that it is apparently illegal to own birds who fight and to hold an event where they fight, but it isn't illegal to gather to watch that fight. What's up with the 35 people who were there? I would imagine that if you held them accountable as well, it would really be hard for would be chicken event promoters (Don "Chicken ala" King) to get people to come and watch such a horrible event. Strange I say.
By the way, there is a funny story about the lady with the chicken above. I may blog about it in the future if people are interested.
just blog about it!!! I wanna know!
I had a friend who worked at one of those Sussex county chicken farms. The stories he would tell. Like the time all the cute lil chickies feet froze to the wet floor. See, the chicks are "assembled" together in square palettes so that they can be easily moved to the evicerator. On that cold morning a fork lift slowly moved toward the chickies. It's prongs inserted into the palette and wrenched the chickies up into the air. (this portioned censored due to graphic content) And you can imagine the rest.
Today my friend is a vegetarian.
Seems like chicken fights would be more fair.
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