As a Christian, each day is an adventure in life. Each 24 hour period brings different situations and opportunities to worship God in the context of the the the routine of our everyday existence. This is our everyday theology of worshipping the God of the universe with our lives. These are some thoughts and vignettes from mine.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
So I just caved and set up a facebook page. I have to say that it is an exceptionally better system than My Space. If your interested, friend me!
Ordinary Women and Their Extraordinary God
Hello old friends. Its been a while since I posted..... I know...... I'm sorry. I was just so overwhelmed with jet lag and catching up on my life here in the USA after my trip to Spain. I promised to resume my posts on a more regular basis. So with that being said, here are some details about my trip.
Monday February 12th
We left the church at 5ish to be at the Philadelphia International Airport. Ian took us via the church van. We were packed for the trip with several extra bags. Deb and Chuck both had huge black suitcases that were heavy. When we checked in, I believe that Deb's weighed in at 78 lb.. We checked in and got on the Us Airways plane to leave. We took off and flew to Paris, France and landed in the worst airport I have ever been in. Charles de Gault Airport. It was not easy to navigate and it wasn't very attractive. We had a two hour layover and then we took an Air Europa plane to Malaga. This last leg of the trip was the worst flight I have ever had when dealing with turbulence. It was non stop the entire 2 hours to Malaga. I wanted to sleep so bad, but I just couldn't because every couple seconds the plane would shake or rattle again. I don't mind flying, I just hate turbulence and before 9/11 that didn't even bother me so much. I just had to keep reminding myself that God was in control and if He wanted me to die and be with Him, then that was it. I needed to trust Him.
Tuesday February 13th
We arrived in Malaga Tuesday afternoon and our driver picked us up in his van and drove us to the Las Piramides (The Pyramids) Hotel.

We met the conference administrator Pamyla and got our room info and went and put our stuff away. We then kicked around for a while and had dinner at 7pm. As part of the conference the Hotel provided breakfast and dinner each day. This consisted of very nice buffets in two separate dinning areas. We were required to dress a little more formally (no jeans or t-shirts) for dinner, but I think it was worth it. After dinner we checked out the room we were going to be using for the meetings and then went to bed.
Wednesday February 14th
Although some of the ladies for the conference had arrived the previous day (like we did), today was the day when the lions share came. Their planes would come in throughout the day and they trickled into the lobby of the hotel. During this time, we were setting things up in the Menfis conference room so we would be ready for the ladies at the appropriate time. We also spent a couple hours practicing music. We quickly discovered that some of the music we were planing on wouldn't work with just a piano and guitar/drum. I think that Chuck, Tony and I realized that many of the songs we sing weekly need lots of instrumentation to work or to cover over their poor musical construction.
At 5:15 there was informal reception for everyone sponsored by the hotel and I must admit that being one of three men amongst the many women was intimidating. I think that they were a little curious about what we were going there as well, but I was a bit shy and didn't really talk to anyone. I played wallflower when in this room and ran off to be of use in the main meeting room. I know that most of you don't believe that I am a shy person, but I can be....especially around large groups of people I don't know.
The main meeting began at 6pm and we led worship for about 20 - 30 minutes. Longer than the average Sunday morning. I must admit that I was a bit surprised by the involvement of these ladies. There were about 60 of them max, but the sound they produced at times rivaled our congregation, at least to my ears. They were engaged in the worship, some weeping and some reach out their hands to the sky. It was moving. Then Jan, one of the ladies who is actually a missionary to Madrid, spoke on ordinary woman. That was the theme of the week, Ordinary Women and their extraordinary God. After this we went to dinner and we were still a little separated from the ladies in the dinning room. We had one lady (I think it was Jill who ministers in the Ukraine) sit with us and really broke the ice. We had a great conversation with her. Afterwards we had several of the ladies share with us that they really appreciated our leading hem and being there. It was the first time in a long time for some to be able to worship the Lord in english. I never realized how important this is, but then how often do we think about those serving the Lord in the trenches of missions. We are comfortable here in the American church. I'll expand on my thoughts on missions in a later post.
Thursday February 15th
I got up and had breakfast and it was really good. I have to say that the hotel had really good food. I was quite impressed. For the rest of the conference the sessions were in the mornings. We started at 10am and the speaker was Lisa S. who is working in a sensitive area of ministry so we won't talk about that much. She spoke on Ruth, another ordinary woman of the Bible. The ladies then broke out into some seminars, but we were finished for the official part of the day and went to a nearby town of Mijas, which was in the mountains. Mijas was a mining community as well as being the last place in Spain that the Moors were before being driven out in the 1400's. What a view!!

We then came back and had dinner at the hotel. I split from the team and sat at a table full of ladies and really began to get to know some of them. I believe that this was the highlight of the trip, just getting to know these ladies and the things that were going on with their countries. So work with children, some are pastors wives and others are striving to build relationships with indigenous women. I truly valued this time with them, it had a large impact on my world view. That evening one of the ladies help a seminar/class on country line dancing. The men tried to stay out of the way so that we wouldn't make the women uncomfortable.
Friday February 16th
Pretty much the same schedule as Thursday, except I didn't go out site seeing with some of the others after the morning sessions. I was feeling tired and wanted to spend some time reading and resting. I had the good fortune to have an extended discussion wit Cindie Pike who ministers in the Ukraine. I think we chatted for about an hour about the ministry to the Ukraine and the people there and the eastern european world view. It was truly fascinating and enlightening. That night I had dinner with several different ladies from France, Slovakia, and Romania and the Ukraine. I have to say that by this point in the week I was in awe of these women. They have sacrificed so much for the Lord. They have raised their children in foreign lands, some have left creature comforts and they only desire to serve the Lord more. Of course there is discouragement to them at times, but they persevere. How often do we quit when things are hard, or uncomfortable. Some of these ladies were single and they have forsaken dreams and desires for marriage to serve our God. And they would just tell you that they are not anything special.
That night we shared a concert with them in which we sang a few solos between me and Debbie, and led them in some songs (some we taught them). At the end of the evening, they didn't want to stop. A group of about ten gathered around Kathleen who used Tony's guitar and led them through about ten songs. It was beautiful to hear this group of women sing in harmonies to these songs. At times they sounded better than any other group I have ever heard. We then went and sat up with several of them until about 2am talking. It was a real time of fellowship and encouragement. If we did nothing else on this trip, but to make them feel appreciated I think it was well worth it.
Saturday February 17th
I had breakfast with several of the ladies and then our sessions. We have the church office back at GRPC fax us lots of music over the week to supplement what we brought. We were constantly adjusting the orders of worship to better minister to these ladies. We wanted songs with deeper meaning or had better musical quality, and it was a daily evaluation based on what we felt the Spirit was leading.
After the morning sessions we went to visit Malaga proper and visited a huge cathedral (the biggest I have ever seen), we also visited a castle on the mountaintop. We had to walk tot he top of the mountain and I must say that I am proud of the fact that I made it all the way up. The view again was spectacular. Somehow our party got split up and we all met back up at dinner at the hotel.

That night the hotel sponsored a Flamenco show, and had a band play. It seems that the weekend after Valentines day is a huge deal in Spain when the couples go out for dinner and dancing. The crowd was full of a diverse age group of people who were not shy to get up and dance. Deb actually convinced some of the locals to teach her the traditional dances and they adopted her for the rest of the night. It was a great time. Again we were up late talking with the ladies about ministry and their lives and needs in the field.
Sunday February 18th
We had church of sorts Sunday morning, and Barbara shared a message on Abigail for the ladies. I think this woman was a powerful speaker and our own women's ministry would do well to have her at one of their conferences if it was ever possible. Afterwards the group prayed for specific needs amongst the women and we prayed for them and their needs. They asked us to sing a couple songs to end the event and we were glad to. Then they presented with some gifts, but they couldn't match what they had given us in the form of their hearts and wisdom. I was so blessed to be a part of this event, and I know that the Lord used us to encourage them as well. As we were finishing up, some of the ladies had to leave to make their flights. We were leaving Monday morning so we got to say goodbye them in waves as they departed. We also had the opportunity to go out to lunch with several ladies from the England and Spain teams. Oddly enough The Sun Coast of Spain is to Europe what Florida is to the United States. It is a very international area and we had a traditional English Roast Sunday meal. Mine was lamb roast with yorkshire pudding. As we sat around the table, we got to share some more. We then went back to the hotel and spent time with the remaining ladies who were leaving the next day. We hung out in the hotel lobby and played cards and games with several of them. And then to bed. We had to be up early the next morning.
Monday February 19th
We had to be in the lobby ready to go at 7:30am to meet our taxi. I was up and ready. I was going to miss this place. I found myself humming the song "If Your Presence Doesn't Go With Us, We Don't Want To Leave This Place" the whole morning. We got to the airport and we were off. We flew from Malaga to Madrid (thankfully not France) and then from Madrid to Philadelphia. It was something like 9 hours (give or take). I don't remember exactly because I was so tired. I just remember that on the flight I watched two movies (Grid Iron Gang, and The Guardian) and four episodes of TV on my iPod. It was good to be home, but it was really cold. Apparently we missed a major ice storm. It was 65- 70 degrees each day in Spain, but it was in the 30's here. I have so much to think about and digest from this trip, and I know that God wants me to make some changes in my life because of it. I truly hope we get invited to do something like this again some day.
Monday February 12th
We left the church at 5ish to be at the Philadelphia International Airport. Ian took us via the church van. We were packed for the trip with several extra bags. Deb and Chuck both had huge black suitcases that were heavy. When we checked in, I believe that Deb's weighed in at 78 lb.. We checked in and got on the Us Airways plane to leave. We took off and flew to Paris, France and landed in the worst airport I have ever been in. Charles de Gault Airport. It was not easy to navigate and it wasn't very attractive. We had a two hour layover and then we took an Air Europa plane to Malaga. This last leg of the trip was the worst flight I have ever had when dealing with turbulence. It was non stop the entire 2 hours to Malaga. I wanted to sleep so bad, but I just couldn't because every couple seconds the plane would shake or rattle again. I don't mind flying, I just hate turbulence and before 9/11 that didn't even bother me so much. I just had to keep reminding myself that God was in control and if He wanted me to die and be with Him, then that was it. I needed to trust Him.
Tuesday February 13th
We arrived in Malaga Tuesday afternoon and our driver picked us up in his van and drove us to the Las Piramides (The Pyramids) Hotel.

We met the conference administrator Pamyla and got our room info and went and put our stuff away. We then kicked around for a while and had dinner at 7pm. As part of the conference the Hotel provided breakfast and dinner each day. This consisted of very nice buffets in two separate dinning areas. We were required to dress a little more formally (no jeans or t-shirts) for dinner, but I think it was worth it. After dinner we checked out the room we were going to be using for the meetings and then went to bed.
Wednesday February 14th
Although some of the ladies for the conference had arrived the previous day (like we did), today was the day when the lions share came. Their planes would come in throughout the day and they trickled into the lobby of the hotel. During this time, we were setting things up in the Menfis conference room so we would be ready for the ladies at the appropriate time. We also spent a couple hours practicing music. We quickly discovered that some of the music we were planing on wouldn't work with just a piano and guitar/drum. I think that Chuck, Tony and I realized that many of the songs we sing weekly need lots of instrumentation to work or to cover over their poor musical construction.
At 5:15 there was informal reception for everyone sponsored by the hotel and I must admit that being one of three men amongst the many women was intimidating. I think that they were a little curious about what we were going there as well, but I was a bit shy and didn't really talk to anyone. I played wallflower when in this room and ran off to be of use in the main meeting room. I know that most of you don't believe that I am a shy person, but I can be....especially around large groups of people I don't know.
The main meeting began at 6pm and we led worship for about 20 - 30 minutes. Longer than the average Sunday morning. I must admit that I was a bit surprised by the involvement of these ladies. There were about 60 of them max, but the sound they produced at times rivaled our congregation, at least to my ears. They were engaged in the worship, some weeping and some reach out their hands to the sky. It was moving. Then Jan, one of the ladies who is actually a missionary to Madrid, spoke on ordinary woman. That was the theme of the week, Ordinary Women and their extraordinary God. After this we went to dinner and we were still a little separated from the ladies in the dinning room. We had one lady (I think it was Jill who ministers in the Ukraine) sit with us and really broke the ice. We had a great conversation with her. Afterwards we had several of the ladies share with us that they really appreciated our leading hem and being there. It was the first time in a long time for some to be able to worship the Lord in english. I never realized how important this is, but then how often do we think about those serving the Lord in the trenches of missions. We are comfortable here in the American church. I'll expand on my thoughts on missions in a later post.
Thursday February 15th
I got up and had breakfast and it was really good. I have to say that the hotel had really good food. I was quite impressed. For the rest of the conference the sessions were in the mornings. We started at 10am and the speaker was Lisa S. who is working in a sensitive area of ministry so we won't talk about that much. She spoke on Ruth, another ordinary woman of the Bible. The ladies then broke out into some seminars, but we were finished for the official part of the day and went to a nearby town of Mijas, which was in the mountains. Mijas was a mining community as well as being the last place in Spain that the Moors were before being driven out in the 1400's. What a view!!

We then came back and had dinner at the hotel. I split from the team and sat at a table full of ladies and really began to get to know some of them. I believe that this was the highlight of the trip, just getting to know these ladies and the things that were going on with their countries. So work with children, some are pastors wives and others are striving to build relationships with indigenous women. I truly valued this time with them, it had a large impact on my world view. That evening one of the ladies help a seminar/class on country line dancing. The men tried to stay out of the way so that we wouldn't make the women uncomfortable.
Friday February 16th
Pretty much the same schedule as Thursday, except I didn't go out site seeing with some of the others after the morning sessions. I was feeling tired and wanted to spend some time reading and resting. I had the good fortune to have an extended discussion wit Cindie Pike who ministers in the Ukraine. I think we chatted for about an hour about the ministry to the Ukraine and the people there and the eastern european world view. It was truly fascinating and enlightening. That night I had dinner with several different ladies from France, Slovakia, and Romania and the Ukraine. I have to say that by this point in the week I was in awe of these women. They have sacrificed so much for the Lord. They have raised their children in foreign lands, some have left creature comforts and they only desire to serve the Lord more. Of course there is discouragement to them at times, but they persevere. How often do we quit when things are hard, or uncomfortable. Some of these ladies were single and they have forsaken dreams and desires for marriage to serve our God. And they would just tell you that they are not anything special.
That night we shared a concert with them in which we sang a few solos between me and Debbie, and led them in some songs (some we taught them). At the end of the evening, they didn't want to stop. A group of about ten gathered around Kathleen who used Tony's guitar and led them through about ten songs. It was beautiful to hear this group of women sing in harmonies to these songs. At times they sounded better than any other group I have ever heard. We then went and sat up with several of them until about 2am talking. It was a real time of fellowship and encouragement. If we did nothing else on this trip, but to make them feel appreciated I think it was well worth it.
Saturday February 17th
I had breakfast with several of the ladies and then our sessions. We have the church office back at GRPC fax us lots of music over the week to supplement what we brought. We were constantly adjusting the orders of worship to better minister to these ladies. We wanted songs with deeper meaning or had better musical quality, and it was a daily evaluation based on what we felt the Spirit was leading.
After the morning sessions we went to visit Malaga proper and visited a huge cathedral (the biggest I have ever seen), we also visited a castle on the mountaintop. We had to walk tot he top of the mountain and I must say that I am proud of the fact that I made it all the way up. The view again was spectacular. Somehow our party got split up and we all met back up at dinner at the hotel.

That night the hotel sponsored a Flamenco show, and had a band play. It seems that the weekend after Valentines day is a huge deal in Spain when the couples go out for dinner and dancing. The crowd was full of a diverse age group of people who were not shy to get up and dance. Deb actually convinced some of the locals to teach her the traditional dances and they adopted her for the rest of the night. It was a great time. Again we were up late talking with the ladies about ministry and their lives and needs in the field.
Sunday February 18th
We had church of sorts Sunday morning, and Barbara shared a message on Abigail for the ladies. I think this woman was a powerful speaker and our own women's ministry would do well to have her at one of their conferences if it was ever possible. Afterwards the group prayed for specific needs amongst the women and we prayed for them and their needs. They asked us to sing a couple songs to end the event and we were glad to. Then they presented with some gifts, but they couldn't match what they had given us in the form of their hearts and wisdom. I was so blessed to be a part of this event, and I know that the Lord used us to encourage them as well. As we were finishing up, some of the ladies had to leave to make their flights. We were leaving Monday morning so we got to say goodbye them in waves as they departed. We also had the opportunity to go out to lunch with several ladies from the England and Spain teams. Oddly enough The Sun Coast of Spain is to Europe what Florida is to the United States. It is a very international area and we had a traditional English Roast Sunday meal. Mine was lamb roast with yorkshire pudding. As we sat around the table, we got to share some more. We then went back to the hotel and spent time with the remaining ladies who were leaving the next day. We hung out in the hotel lobby and played cards and games with several of them. And then to bed. We had to be up early the next morning.
Monday February 19th
We had to be in the lobby ready to go at 7:30am to meet our taxi. I was up and ready. I was going to miss this place. I found myself humming the song "If Your Presence Doesn't Go With Us, We Don't Want To Leave This Place" the whole morning. We got to the airport and we were off. We flew from Malaga to Madrid (thankfully not France) and then from Madrid to Philadelphia. It was something like 9 hours (give or take). I don't remember exactly because I was so tired. I just remember that on the flight I watched two movies (Grid Iron Gang, and The Guardian) and four episodes of TV on my iPod. It was good to be home, but it was really cold. Apparently we missed a major ice storm. It was 65- 70 degrees each day in Spain, but it was in the 30's here. I have so much to think about and digest from this trip, and I know that God wants me to make some changes in my life because of it. I truly hope we get invited to do something like this again some day.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Hola From Spain
Ok here is a quick 7 minute update on my trip to Spain. 7 Minutes because thats how long I have on this Hotel computer. I miss you all, but at the same time I don´t. What a great privelege it is to meet all of these people who have made a great sacrifice to be in the missions field. THey have left their families and friends and in many ways are alone in the countries they are ministering to. I never realized just how much it means to people to worship God in their own language. As we led the first session, their were women crying. One lady who is missionary in Scotland told me that this was the first time in a long time that she was able to sing praise songs that mention Jesus. Why? I asked. She said that in Scottland they only worship by singing the psalms. Wow. It is a wonderful country here and a great environment, but it is more of a privelege to spendtime with these ladies. Pray for us as we continue to interface and encourage these front line embassadors of Christ. I´ll blog again if I get the chance.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Not Gonna Wash That Grey Outta My Hair
As I was coming in to work today, a very nice lady who is in charge of our facilities was riding the elevator with me. She made an off hand comment to me about how the job was making my hair grayer. Boy this is exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm positive she didn't mean anything negative by it, but it doesn't help with feelings of getting older. So I left the elevator and continued on to my desk. As I signed into my email, I noticed the daily proverb subscription that I get. This subscrition provides a proverb a day. I read it and guess what it said.
Now if that isn't God telling me not to worry about the small stuff, I don't know what is. Of course it could just be coincidence, but I beleive God is in control of everything..... Even my email.
Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life. - Proverbs 16:31
Now if that isn't God telling me not to worry about the small stuff, I don't know what is. Of course it could just be coincidence, but I beleive God is in control of everything..... Even my email.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Small is Beautiful

If I believed in the concept of luck then I would have to say that I am having an incredible stretch of it. So over this past couple of weeks it seems that everything I own is systematically breaking. My treadmill broke (I fixed it and then it broke again), my computer died, my gas stove needed a replacement valve, and now my iPod is on its last legs.
I tell this story to share my pain, but also to say that I have taken this opportunity (the dead computer) to make the switch. That’s right, I have purchased a Mac, a mini to be exact. It’s smaller than a cigar box and uses my same monitor, keyboard and mouse. It’s really cool too. I have had it a couple of days and I just can’t believe how fast, sleek and simple it has been to use. When I went to the Apple store to purchase it I also picked up a book for those switching from a PC to a Mac. It has been quite helpful.
There are a few drawbacks to the switch, like having to listen to all my corporate and geeky friends say that it was a mistake. Now I am not a Mac fan boy, but I’m not a Windows one either. I just love technology that works well WITH MY LIFE. I’m not building a corporate network in my condo and I’m not a big PC gamer. I mean come on people the only game console I have is an Atari Flashback that my sister gave me for Christmas. I think I have used it once. The Mac works great, looks great and is fast. If I discover otherwise, I will definitely post something, but for now I’m happy.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
The Westminster Larger Catechism Q2
Question 2: How doth it appear that there is a God?
Answer: The very light of nature in man, and the works of God,
declare plainly that there is a God; but his word and Spirit only do sufficiently and effectually reveal him unto men for their salvation.
So how do we know that there is a God? I mean really, how can you know for sure? I think every person has asked this question in some form during his or her life. Curious to see what was out there, I did a quick Google search on the internet. It seems that there are many well meaning and thoughtful people who want to use science and nature to prove that God exists. I applaud them in their efforts to a degree. They are merely expanding and commenting on Paul’s statement in Romans 1:19 –20,
19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
I only wish that those who invest so much time on the debate on God’s existence would focus equal or more amounts of energy on the second part of the answer to Catechism question 2. What I mean is that the first part of the answer, when viewed through Romans 1 does nothing more than raise our culpability level. It plainly says that we all know that God exists (The very light of nature in man, and the works of God) and are without excuse. We can’t stand before the Lord and say “look God, I really didn’t know about you so how can you sentence me to Hell?” When we start to focus on the second half of the answer “; but his word and Spirit only do sufficiently and effectually reveal him unto men for their salvation”, we start to really define the God we are to believe in. His existence is proven, but knowing that God exists is not enough for salvation. Thankfully He has spoken to us and told us effectually and sufficiently in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
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