If I believed in the concept of luck then I would have to say that I am having an incredible stretch of it. So over this past couple of weeks it seems that everything I own is systematically breaking. My treadmill broke (I fixed it and then it broke again), my computer died, my gas stove needed a replacement valve, and now my iPod is on its last legs.
I tell this story to share my pain, but also to say that I have taken this opportunity (the dead computer) to make the switch. That’s right, I have purchased a Mac, a mini to be exact. It’s smaller than a cigar box and uses my same monitor, keyboard and mouse. It’s really cool too. I have had it a couple of days and I just can’t believe how fast, sleek and simple it has been to use. When I went to the Apple store to purchase it I also picked up a book for those switching from a PC to a Mac. It has been quite helpful.
There are a few drawbacks to the switch, like having to listen to all my corporate and geeky friends say that it was a mistake. Now I am not a Mac fan boy, but I’m not a Windows one either. I just love technology that works well WITH MY LIFE. I’m not building a corporate network in my condo and I’m not a big PC gamer. I mean come on people the only game console I have is an Atari Flashback that my sister gave me for Christmas. I think I have used it once. The Mac works great, looks great and is fast. If I discover otherwise, I will definitely post something, but for now I’m happy.
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