Monday, March 09, 2009

Decisions Decisions Decisions

A funny thing happened. I checked my email today and in my inbox was my latest traffic report for my blog. I don't normally check it since I have been so inconsistent in updating the blog. I decided to take a glance, and wonder of wonders there was a spike in traffic after my recent update. I guess if I write something new, people will visit. So.........

As my adventures in worship continue in the great state of Ohio, I am searching for a church. The body of believers I left back in Delaware were truly family. When the Bible talks about us being brothers and sisters in the Lord, there is a real tangible connection. Even though I am away, I am still connected. The notes, and letters, and facebook posts, text messages, and phone calls all keep me connected. I am a big proponent of electronic communication as a means of staying connected, but I am no dummy. I know that it can not replace the true gathering together of the saints. I miss the saints in Delaware. I miss them a lot, but when I left I was confident that I had brothers and sisters where I was heading. I just had to meet them and be grafted into that particular branch of the tree of life. I am searching for that branch.

In that search I have visited two different churches. One is a mid sized PCA church that reminds me of my home church in several ways. I could see myself grafting in nicely there, but in a different way than "back home". The music program is less mature than what I am used to, but I am not sure that this makes a difference to me.

The other church I visited is a larger Brethren church, and it also has many good qualities. I could see myself really enjoying being involved in what they have going on. They have a large singles group and a mature music program. The problem is that they aren't reformed. Now I think it important to point out that I don't feel that they are apostate, but reformed doctrine is what I believe to be the most correct form of doctrine in the visible church. So at this point I am praying and pondering my decision. I am also looking around to visit a few more churches before I make a final call. One thing I do know is that I want to choose and commit to a place very soon. I feel that body life is important, and I need to get to the grafting part. I don't want to spend the entire adventure here alone in my apartment.


Anonymous said...

Any Lutheran Missouri Synod or Reformed Baptist ones worth checking out? Although I think you mentioned there were no Reformed Baptist ones... At least on the web.

Anonymous said...

Randy, welcome back to blogging...we missed you