Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pollution and Tending The Garden

On Tuesday night I attended a concert at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Wilmington. It was offered by the University of Delaware Choral program. Over the course of the evening they shared competition pieces that they will be using at an international choir competition in Estonia. Much of the music was beautiful, and a good deal was sacred. As a side note, I find it very interesting that secular universities use sacred music in their music programs. I wonder if at some point this will be considered offensive, but I digress.

The music was beautiful and at one point a young man read a statement before the choir sang a Venezuelan piece. The statement was a list of environmental disasters and their effect on the environment. After each disaster he dramatically spoke the word "Listen". He then quoted an old African saying about the "earth being tired." I have to say that I am not a proponent of global warming theory; at least not the theory pushed my many. I do believe that the earth is going through changes and that in some cases, we are responsible. When God placed Adam and Eve in the garden, he gave them the duty of tending it (Genesis 2:15). He also gave man dominion over the planet (Genesis 1:26-30). Now dominion is a serious responsibility. I am consistently disappointed with my brothers and sisters in the Lord who are so against anything that resembles agreement with liberals, that they dismiss the responsibility God gave us at our creation.

Let me be clear, I am not saying we are in a environmental crisis. Nobody would call me a tree hugger or a hippie, or a left wing environmental wacko. What I am saying is that we can all take our responsibility to be good stewards of the gift God gave us a little more seriously. Conservation isn't just to appease the environmentalists. Its good stewardship of the world we were give dominion over and asked to tend. We can also do all we can to eliminate pollution and live a little more clean. If everyone did a little it would add up to a lot. Global warming is debatable, but pollution is not. It’s happening and it doesn't have to.


SaintRAV said...

I'm really not referring to politicians or clergy, but everyday people. Many times, everyone (the media, politicians, and special interests….. even religious people) want to cast life in strict mathematical terms.

Christian = Conservative = Republican
Non Christian = Liberal = Democrat.

The problem with this is that not all issues are related in this way. Taking care of the environment is something that Christians should do, and it’s also something that non Christians should do. There is room for debate on the level in which we commit, but action of some sort is needed. The bigger problem for our society is that those who think in the above formula can’t agree on common ground. They feel that the other is wrong on some big things, so any agreement is legitimizing everything they believe. If I agree with a homosexual that murder is wrong, it doesn’t mean that I agree that homosexuality is ok. We can agree on some things and disagree on others. I also think we can do it with civility.

Anonymous said...

I knew this was going to turn into a liberal blog. Sheeesh.

SaintRAV said...

cheeky. I was wondering when that would pop up.