Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm Being Challenged

This clip is from Pastor Mark Driscoll. He leads Mars Hill Church in Seattle and I have been listening to a lot of his sermons of late. I think I am going to be posting several items in reference to him and some other pastors/theologians who have been challenging my thinking lately. The below clip is from some pre conference interviews from Desiring God ministries 2006 conference. The conference title was Above All Earthly Powers and centered around the postmodern mindset and the emergent church. Many of the clips discuss engaging the culture. Great stuff.


Anonymous said...

Nice clip.

He looks younger than I had imagined...

SaintRAV said...

I think he is in his mid thirties. I've heard him make several references to that in some of his sermons.

Seth McBee said...

Driscoll is 37...he started Mars Hill when he was 26!

Anyway...I put the video up and if you want to see more of my "critique" of Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll you can check that out over on my blog...

Pastor Dan said...

I hear a lot about "emergent" missional, post-modern etc. So I have been listening to many of these men and women concerning the above "movements". Isn't there a difference between "emerging" and missional thinking? It seems to me that Mark Driscoll and Brian McClaren all started in the same circle in the late 90's. However, the split over theology. Now we have two separate movements. There is the "emerging" church movement which is asking all the questions, making some great points about the current church but offering no solutions. In fact, they have more questions than answers.

On the other side we have the missional and reformission churches. These are the churches that address the post-modern questions. I think there is a lot of confusion in the terms and it becomes very frustrating. In what I have come across, the emerging church seems to be moving far left away from the sola's while the reformissional churches keep the doctrine/traditions but address the culture with an unchanging Gospel.