Monday, March 19, 2007

The Jesus Family Tomb

I watched the James Cameron produced documentary on the Discovery channel a few weeks ago. I found myself talking back to the television several times about the leaps of logic or lack there of that the participants took. You need more faith to believe some of their conclusions, than you do to believe that Christ rose from the dead physically. I subscribe to a biblical archaeological newsletter (just another odd thing I'm interested in). They had a great article/analysis on the book and documentary. Check it out, its one of the better ones I've read. I'm interested in any comments you may have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look -- I read your blog often and I'm finally writing something! Mark it on the calendar! I am continually blown away by what can be passed for as scientific fact, and yet it also doesn't really surprise me anymore. That article is awesome! The leaps that the world makes to create their basis for "facts" is just astounding. I'm glad to see so many historians and scholars replying to the nonsense with sound, concrete facts!