Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tivo can be an idol

I love gadgets, but at the same time I am cheap. This is a struggle because I have a desire to own gadgets, but at the same time am hesitant to buy them. I have only owned an iPod for about a year (love it), and I am being driven to a point in my life where I either need a smart phone or a PDA just so I have constant access to my calendar. My parents gave me my Tivo for Christmas two years ago and I have been watching way too much television (not commercials…wooo hooo) ever since. We certainly live in glorious times technologically, but as with any good thing it is possible to corrupt it. As I briefly mentioned, my Tivo and my iPod are distractions from the things in life that I really need to be doing. I am a homeowner and when I am home I have things to do. These things are suffering. The Tivo calls and then I get distracted and lazy. This became apparent to me when the Tivo blew up two weeks ago. Suddenly I realized just how many TV shows that I recorded and then jammed into my free time to watch. In the meantime, my condo has been needing paint, my wall has a hole that need patching, my kitchen cabinets are atrocious. All this AND the lack of time spent with the Lord. All these things are time stealers from spending time reading the Bible. I have felt so convicted about this. I just got the replacement Tivo from the factory on Thursday and just hooked it up on Sunday. My challenge is to not let it become my idol and to get up and do something. I can't worship God in front of the TV. Where is the adventure in that?


Anonymous said...

Just give in. The technology is soooooo wonderful now. It's like a drug mannnnnn. Why are you bringing me down? Ok, remember moderation is key! If I had Tivo I would go crazy too. It probably is not a coincidence that you burned it up!

Anonymous said...

It's in our nature to make idols out of everything I feel. Shoot, it's actually more than a feeling.... it's my reality!