Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Phone Saga Update

Our mail room guy just brought my new phone up. I feel like a kid with a new toy, but grrrrrrr I have to charge it for 8 hours before I use it. That is frustrating. Oh well, at least I can watch it charge at my desk the rest of the day. Just a random thought, MC_Shann (link to his blog on my links) and I are hanging out tonight at Starbucks with our crew. That should be fun. Last night we went to a meeting of a local group that defends creationism. I have some strong feelings on this that I am definately going to share, but its too much for this little update. Check back for it soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"This is the captian. The Away team and I ready to be beamed up", Picard out.