Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Shouldn't I Worry?

So I went out for coffee with some friends last night. We didn't talk about the elections at all. Does that make us irresponsible Christians? Shouldn't we be worried about who runs this country? Shouldn't we be frantically watching election results roll in and be on our knees praying that George Allen pulls it out in VA? I would say no. We must trust in the Lord. He is sovereign over the governments of the world. As citizens we have a responsibility to vote, and as Christians we have the responsibility to have our decision informed by godly principles. After we exercise that right, we are not to worry. Be not anxious brothers and sisters. For His own purposes, God wanted Nancy Pelossi to be the speaker of the house, and he wanted Beau Biden to be Delaware's Attorney General. I plan on writing more about my political views as they relate to politics in a day or two, but wanted to put a message out to calm down those who are spitting mad right now.


Anonymous said...

Were you talking about me? Spitting mad I mean? I'm actually happy that the dems took over. Here's why: They have this way of showing their true colors when they have any sort of power. Soon enough, they will be exposed, and this country will be begging for another Reagan. Hey, I can dream can't I?

P.S. I had no hopes of Ferris Wharton winning attorney General. Who can compete with the money-hungry, wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the rear, Bidens?

Anonymous said...

As always the challenge to us will be to treat them as the divine authorities set over us they are. Honor to whom honor is due, fear to whom fear and ...GULP.... taxes to whom taxes..... Right?